Sixty-four members of the West Point Glee Club traveled to Madison, Wisconsin and shared their music and love of West Point with the community. As soon as they landed in Madison, cadets visited the VA Hospital, where they interacted with veterans and provided a short concert. They also went to Oregon High School, where they gave two concerts for the students and told them about life as cadets at West Point. After the high school visit, the Club visited the Wisconsin State Capitol and gave a short performance inside the beautiful rotunda. Later, cadets of the Glee Club served as ambassadors of the Academy when they went to Sun Prairie High School, met and interacted with members of the school's concert choir, and listened to them perform a few songs. That evening, the Glee Club gave a full, public concert for an audience of about 250 people at Sun Prairie's Performing Arts Center. The following day, cadets traveled to St. John's Northwest Military Academy in Delafield, WI, where they presented another public concert, collaborating with the Marquette University ROTC Choir and St. John's Northwestern Military Academy Choir and Herald Trumpets. More than 200 JROTC cadets and approximately 200 community members attended.
Glee Club Travels to Madison, WI to Perform