Department of Law
On 23 February, the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation, Mark Peters, discussed with cadets in the Criminal Law course in the Department of Law how corruption originates within public institutions. Commissioner Peters discussed how his office identifies circumstances that lead to the public's loss of trust in institutions. He focused specifically on long-term problems at the large prison in New York (Rikers Island) and bribery of city building inspectors. Commissioner Peters, fourth from right, is pictured here with his Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Jeri Powell, fifth from right, and some of the cadets from the Criminal Law class.
Department of Foreign Languages
Spanish: The Spanish Language cadets continue studying Spanish and the opportunities to enjoy experiences in Mexico outside of the classroom. They are finishing their first month of courses at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Last week the cadets visited the canals of Xochimilco, what is left of a pre-Colombian Aztec transportation system. They also recently visited Tepotzlan, an Aztec and Nahua cultural center, to see ruins there. They are integrating well with other International and Mexican students joining them in their studies and cultural activities in Mexico, enjoying Mexican cuisine, visiting local museums, and Cadet Fydenkevez made a recent trip to the symphony.
German: On February 18th 2015, cadets from LTC Rolf Metz’s German Military Speaking and Reading (LG476) and Dr. Johannes Vazulik’s German Civilization II (LG484) classes visited the United Nations in New York City. Representatives from the UN German Delegation provided the cadets a guided tour of the facilities and discussed, in German, the organization’s history and current role in international relations. Following the tour, the group enjoyed a traditional German meal of schnitzel and baked potatoes at the German mission.
German: COL Mark Gagnon lectured on the 1955 Austrian film, "Sissi," to more than 30 people at the Cornwall Public Library's Foreign Film night on 19 February. Cadets enrolled in German also participated in the event. One of the most popular German-speaking films ever, the movie tells the story of Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. An expert on German film, COL Gagnon spoke about the importance of the film in the context of postwar Austria and Germany. For the fifth year in a row, West Point Cadets have participated in the Foreign Film night at the Cornwall Public Library. This forum provides an opportunity for Cadets to gain a deeper cultural perspective as well as interact with the local community. Prior to the event the Cadets enjoyed an authentic Austrian meal at a local restaurant.
Chinese: The cadets studying abroad in China and Taiwan are currently off from classes for the week for the Chinese New Year and will be taking this opportunity to travel in both locations. The cadets in Taiwan are visiting sites on both ends of Taiwan. The group in China is visiting Shanghai and Kunming.
Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Briefing: On 18 February, PaNE supported a request from MA255 leadership (MAJ Peter Young) to provide their cadets with engineering applications of differential equations. This took place during the Dean’s Hour in WH5300. Dr. Brian Moretti, MAJ Andrew Decker, and COL Bryndol Sones each discussed examples of nuclear engineering applications from the topics of Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Weapons Effects, and Medical Applications, respectively.
Department of English and Philosophy
Plebes Visit USMA Special Collections & Archives for Hands-On Literature Lesson. On 17 and 18 February, three sections of EN102: Literature joined forces for a visit to USMA Special Collections & Archives. The purpose of the visit was to make some of the authors and texts the cadets are studying more tangible. To this end, cadets were able to interact with several pieces from the West Point archives such as a 1770 edition of Shakespeare’s plays; a facsimile of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass manuscript; a signed first edition of Siegfried Sassoon’s Memoirs of an Infantry Officer; and several artifacts from Edgar Allan Poe’s brief tenure as a USMA cadet, including the record of his 1831 court-martial and a letter written in Poe’s own hand to COL Sylvanus Thayer. A special thank you goes out to Elaine McConnell, Susan Lintelmann and Suzanne Christoff for taking time to share this material with approximately 180 cadets over four class periods.
Author Michael Pitre speaks to the Creative Writing Forum and Cadets in EN102. Michael Pitre, author of Fives and Twenty-Fives, visited West Point on Thursday, February 19th. Fives and Twenty-Fives was published to significant acclaim by Bloomsbury Press in August, 2014. Michael drew from his own experiences in Iraq, and largely from the experience of his friends, to construct the characters and the narrative. In it, he endeavors not to “fetishize combat,” but to capture the true and complete experience, not just of the deployment, but of the readjustment upon returning home.
The visit was an opportunity for cadets to discuss creativity and writing with an accomplished veteran and author. Michael enjoyed lunch in Washington Hall with cadets from the Creative Writing Forum where he took questions on developing characters and converting personal experience into compelling prose. He spoke to EN102 cadets about the creative process and narrative construction. In his discussion he emphasized that creativity can only be productive when coupled with a disciplined work ethic, attention to detail, and true dedication to one’s craft, characters, and message.
Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering
Cadets study Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran and Central Asia at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. On February 19th, Major Miller and 14 cadets enrolled in EV376, Geography of the Middle East, braved the bitter Manhattan cold and ventured to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where they experienced the art of "Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran and Central Asia." During their museum visit, the cadets explored cultural themes, patterns, representations and images found in the wide array of exhibits that included everything from Persian tapestries and Arabic calligraphy to Damascus chainmail and Arabesque motifs. The cadets also considered how art was as a cohesive element across the geographic expanses of the early Islamic world. And of course, the trip also included delicious-and piping hot-shawarma and falafel from the museum food trucks!
EV398 Data Collection. On February 23rd and 24th, Cadets from EV398 (Introduction to GIS) braved the cold to collect GPS data for their GIS problem sets. This exercise introduces real world data collection, along with importing the data into ArcGIS, and preparing it for future analysis.
US Army Public Health Command Guest Lecture. On Thursday, 19 February, Mr. Paul Hopp and Mr. Terry Meade of the US Army Public Health Command presented a guest lecture to cadets enrolled in EV397 (Air Pollution Engineering) on US Army Air Quality Monitoring. In addition to recounting results from monitoring missions, they gave hands-on demonstrations of some of the equipment used to monitor air quality and thus protect Soldier health in both home station and deployed locations.
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Goethals Infrastructure Challenge. The Goethals’ Infrastructure Challenge (GIC) is a 4-day student competition that educates students on how to approach Grand Challenges through the study of wicked problems in infrastructure. The GIC completed its third successful iteration 4-7 December 2014. This iteration of the GIC included 4 teams at West Point comprised of majors from Civil Engineering, Foreign Languages (Chinese and Spanish), Strategic Studies, Economics, and Management. This test validated the 96-hour length of the competition and the manner in which participants receive guidance toward a final submittal. Student teams have more room for innovation in presenting their results because new submittal requirements only dictate which stakeholder group must be addressed. The winning team of Cadets Christopher Corbett ‘15, Corey Archibeque ’16, Alejandro Aguilar ’15 and Andrew Wolgemuth ’15 are congratulated on their ability to make Chuck Norris fear them!
Cadets Visit AMRDEC for Capstone Update: Cadets Frank Conroy, Mike Grajera, and Micah Uchida with project advisor, COL Daisie Boettner, traveled to Redstone Arsenal, AL, 8-9 February 2015, to update Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Command on their capstone project in support of the Multi-Mission Launch (MML) Platform. Their device must level the antenna supporting mast within 0.5 degree, weigh less than 400 lbs, and fit in the given area on the MML trailer. They will present their final prototype on Projects Day, 30 April 2015.
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership
MAJ Cheveso “Chevy” Cook shares Negotiation Experience with West Point Negotiation Project Cadet Program. On 4 February, West Point Negotiation Project hosted MAJ Chevy Cook as their Spring Kick-Off Guest Speaker. During his hour-long talk, MAJ Cook shared his experiencing negotiating with Iraqi locals to include the idea that assumptions matter, you must understand your interests and alternatives, and taking a deliberate approach to planning/executing negotiation is valid as an Officer, Cadet, and Civilian. Cadets enjoyed additional time together and with MAJ Cook over dinner catered by American Burrito. The West Point Negotiation Project is a USMA faculty effort to improve the ability of military leaders to negotiate and is an activity within BS&L's West Point Leadership Center.
West Point Negotiation Project helps prepare USMAPS Vanguard Leadership Group for their Spring Break STEM Project. On 7 February, West Point Negotiation Project led a three-hour workshop for 14 USMAPS Cadet Candidates (CCs) from Dean Melanie Wong-Dodge’s Vanguard Leadership Group. The workshop, led by MAJ Christina Fanitzi (BSL) and CDT Gene Fogh (’15, B-4), taught CCs skills to manage difficult conversations. During the session, CCs were introduced to frameworks and skills to gain greater understanding of others’ perspectives and increase their own communication skills as they prepare for their Spring Break STEM trip. MAJ Michael Rybacki (BSL), CDT Rima Gasparini (’17, G-1), and CDT Richard Martin (’18, 1-2) served as Role Players/Facilitators to allow CCs to test, observe, and analyze their newly acquired frameworks and CDT Xavier Olivo (’18, I-2) and CDT Ty Moore (’18, B-1) served as volunteer participants, as prior CCs, which elevated CC learning through their insightful contributions. The West Point Negotiation Project is a USMA faculty effort to improve the ability of military leaders to negotiate and is an activity within BS&L's West Point Leadership Center.
The Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership hosted the first "West Point Idea Friday.” The Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership hosted the first "West Point Idea Friday" on Friday, February 20th in the West Point Club's Gray Room. "Idea Friday" is a TED talk-inspired forum for cadets, faculty, staff, and friends to share and debate ideas to foster intellectual growth and diverse leader development. Sharing ideas at this event were Cadet Zachary Cohen '17, Cadet Alexander Grinberg '17, and LTC Remi Hajjar. Following each short 4-7 minute narrative presentation, the speakers fielded questions from the audience leading to a stimulating intellectual debate.