The first monthly USMA High Performance Computing (HPC) Brown Bag of AY2019 took place recently. On a monthly basis (at Noon or soon thereafter), faculty, staff, and cadets interested in high performance computing have a forum to highlight their work, exchange ideas, build collaboration, and learn more about HPC. The featured HPC Brown Bag Speaker was Dr. Carolann Koleci from the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CME). All faculty, staff, and cadets with an interest in HPC are strongly encouraged to attend. Slides from the Brown Bag are archived on the Sharepoint Site. The annual HPC Workshop is scheduled for 22 October 22, from 9:40am to 11:40am, and will be lead by Dr. Suzanne Matthews from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Dr. Carolann Koleci (CME).