Dr. David O. Kashinski was TDY in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, attending the 49th annual meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (APS-DAMOP), where he presented a peer-reviewed poster summarizing progress made on col-laborative research during AY2018. The project is titled “DFT Calculation of the Renner Coefficient for the Renner-Teller Splitting in the NCO radical: Assessing the accuracy of functional families and basis sets”, and is a part of an ongoing collaboration with ARL-WMRD. Cadets M. G. Suarez and C. C. Stephens (both CLS, ‘19), as well as Dr. E. F. C. Byrd (ARL-WMRD), are co-authors on the project. The meeting was successful. Dr. Kashinski was able to meet and discuss topics of interest with current collaborators as well as make con-nections with peers doing similar work at AFRL and USAFA. He was also able to advise groups interested in accessing DoD-HPCMP resources for DoD-supported projects. Dr. Kashinski acknowledges and thanks the DoD-HPCMP for continued computer time and travel support and resources.
CDTs Suarez & Stephens Poster Presented at APS-DAMOP