MAJ Zach Griffiths and Cadet Bryce Johnston traveled to D.C. to tour the Capitol and meet with the Special Operations Legislative Affairs (SOLA) office. This trip furthered an on-going Faculty Research Funded project into how Special Operations Command interacts with Congress. The visit provided the USMA guests with an overview of SOLA’s daily operations and their mechanisms for assessing effectiveness. The trip also afforded Cadet Johnston the opportunity to meet with members of the office in preparation for his upcoming SOLA Academic Individual Advanced Development (AIAD) this summer. Research into SOLA’s Congressional engagement will continue through the fall. MAJ Griffiths and CDT Johnston plan to submit their first product, an overview of SOLA’s contributions to the Special Operations community, to Special Warfare magazine this summer, and ultimately intend to pursue publication in the Special Operations Journal.
Tour of the Capital and Meeting with SOLA