The Army West PointCrew team competed in the Murphy Cup Regatta on the Schuylkill River, inPhiladelphia. The team raced against several top tier Division 1 and Clubteams. Army Crew will face many of the teams again in upcoming Regattas and atNationals. The novice women's eight showed resilience by overcoming a bad startand race in the heats to win Gold in the finals. They had the slowest time thatmade the finals, but rowed extremely well the second time to finish first. Thevarsity woman's pair also won gold. The men's varsity 8 made the Grand Finalsand finished 6th. The men's JV 8 missed making the Grand Final by less than asecond, but won the Petite Final finishing 7th. All boats that competed gainedvaluable rowing experience.