Department of Systems Engineering faculty and cadets participated in the 2017 American Society for Engineering Management annual conference in Huntsville, Alabama, earning several awards, delivering papers and presentations, and competing in the student case study competition. Awards earned included the Founder’s Award for Excellence in Academic Leadership of Undergraduate Education Programs in Engineering Management presented to the USMA DSE Engineering Management program; the Frank Woodbury Special Service Award presented to Dr. Farr; and the William Daughton World Headquarters Service Award presented to LTC Schreiner. Conference attendees from the DSE faculty included LTC Paul Evangelista, LTC Richards, LTC Schreiner, LTC Enos, and CPT Salem. LTC Wong from ACI and CPT Klein from CALDOL also attended. Cadet attendees included Ryan Leemans, Daniel Provaznik, Justin Thomas, and Charles Wagner. All four cadets participated in the student case study competition under the advisement of CPT Salem and LTC Richards, earning recognition as runners-up.