Three Cadets from the Native American Heritage Forum represented USMA at the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. CDTs Nick Ges, Joe Kyburz, and Noah Bowser spent eight hours talking to prospective Native American high school students and their parents about the opportunities which West Point has to offer for both education and a career serving our Nation. They talked to over 65 individuals and had 12 individuals sign up to receive more information about West Point. Other Highlights included participation in the Veterans Caucus, attending a variety of academic and tribal presentations, the closing talking circle with the AISES council of elders, and the closing Gala. The conference included over 2,500 participants, 85 educational booths, and over 150 exhibitor booths which including Boeing, Chevron, National Science Foundation, Raytheon, Microsoft and Nextera Energy Resources. The event served as a venue committed to supporting the education and professional development of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Indigenous peoples of North American in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. Participation in this event enabled enrichment of West Point’s focus on diversity and community outreach.
Native American Heritage Forum Represents